Sponsored by: IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS)
Technical Sponsor: IEEE Transportation Electrification Community (TEC)
The ESTS 2023 Technical Program Committee solicits tutorial presentation submissions on a range of technical topics that relate broadly to the development and implementation of electric ship platforms. Naval platforms of interest to ESTS range from ships with traditional electric power distribution through fully electrified vessels. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following as applied to electric ships and vessels:
Model-based Systems Engineering | Ship and System Level Models | Subsystem and Component Models |
Digital Twin Development | Modeling Tool Development | Wide Bandgap Device Applications |
Electric Propulsion and Generation | Power Conversion Topologies | Control Architectures and Methods |
Energy Storage Systems | Fuel cells and Integration | Pulsating Loads and System Impact |
Superconducting Devices & Systems | Dielectric Considerations | Wireless Charging at MW Scale |
Electromagnetic Interference | Electromagnetic Compatibility | Charging and Charging Infrastructures |
Common-mode Behavior | DC Power Distribution | Medium Freq. AC Power Distribution |
Cabling Considerations | Protection for AC and DC Systems | Advanced Magnetics |
Autonomous Vessel Design | Cyber-Physical System Considerations | Robust Communications Systems |
Cold-Ironing and Shore Power | Battery-Electric Ship Implementations | Decarbonization & Carbon Capture |
Emission Control Systems | Cooling Systems & Thermal Solutions | Renewable Generation Sources |
ESTS 2023 invites commercial, recreational, and military ship end-users, shipbuilders, port operators, classification societies, machinery and equipment manufacturers, research institutes, universities and other organizations around the world to present tutorials on these subjects.
Tutorial Format
The technical committee seeks one- or two-hour tutorial proposals, which should provide instructional materials on relevant topics within the scope of the above major technical areas. There is no cost to attend the tutorial sessions and attendance is open to the public. Accepted tutorials may be recorded and posted on the ESTS website, and tutorial materials may appear on IEEE Xplore.
Public Disclosure
All tutorial materials contributed by authors must be approved for public disclosure prior to submission or presentation. Please note that the technical committee cannot accept restricted distribution submissions for consideration.
Submission of Tutorial Proposals
Proposals should concisely describe the relevance of the tutorial to electric ship technologies and contain the following sections: Title, Outline, Speaker(s) and the topics they will cover, and Brief CVs (less than 300 words per speaker).
The instructor(s) should indicate any presentation requirements (e.g. multimedia) and any plans to provide case studies, practical examples, or hands-on activities. Submitted tutorial proposals should not exceed four pages and should be sent to the Tutorials Chair in a single PDF file at opila@usna.edu by the deadline below. Organizational approvals for any material being presented must be completed by the final tutorial material deadline below. If you have any questions, please contact the Tutorials Chair.
March 31, 2023 | Tutorial proposal submission |
May 19, 2023 | Notification of acceptance or rejection |
June 2, 2023 | Receipt of final tutorial material |
Questions about this call for papers may be addressed to the ESTS 2023 Tutorial Chair:
- Daniel Opila, opila@usna.edu +1.410.293.6183