In 2003, the IEEE Technical Activities Board initiated an effort through the New Technology Directions Committee (NTDC) to foster more rapid and comprehensive actions in addressing new technologies/new directions in existing technologies, particularly in areas not already being addressed by individual IEEE societies or councils. NTDC conducted forums and solicited input from IEEE societies, councils, and key volunteers to identify new technology thrust areas offering particular promise and being of high interest to IEEE volunteers. One thrust area which rapidly gathered significant interest was Future Power and Alternate Energy Technologies (FPAET). Interest grew in the FPAET thrust group to address the challenge of advancing electric transportation technologies, and the idea of addressing the “all-electric ship” topic quickly caught the interest of a number of IEEE volunteers and societies. In fall 2004, it quickly became evident that there was enough interest and activity in the Electric Ship Technologies area to permit undertaking an Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS).

This effort coincided with the Office of Naval Research instituting programs to develop electric ship technology in both industry and universities. One of the university efforts was the Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium (ESRDC). The ESRDC realized that the ESTS could be an outstanding tool to stimulate and informally coordinate electric ship research. Consequently, the ESRDC members stepped forward to help the conference succeed. They have served in multiple roles including chairing or co-chairing every ESTS conference.

ESTS 2005 was a fast-track event offered through the sponsorships of six IEEE societies, plus cooperative sponsorships by the marine societies ASNE and IMarEST. The six IEEE societies — the Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS), the Industry Applications Society (IAS), the Oceanic Engineering Society (OES), the Power Electronics Society (PELS), the Power and Energy Society (PES), and the Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) — offered a technical expertise base of more than 50,000 IEEE members. This first ESTS in Philadelphia exceeded expectations in attendance and the number of technical contributions.

The second conference, ESTS 2007, was held in Washington, DC in May 2007. ESTS 2009 was held in Baltimore, Maryland, ESTS 2011-13 were held in Alexandria VA, and ESTS 2015-19 were held in Arlington, VA. ESTS 2021 was a virtual event held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but was a robust technical event despite the challenges of the pandemic. We returned to an in-person conference in 2023.

For many years, the conference has been jointly sponsored by IEEE PELS and IEEE PES, with technical assistance from the IEEE Transportation Electrification Council (TEC). This year, TEC joins PES and PELS as a full sponsor of the conference. We also appreciate the support of the IEEE Marine Systems Coordinating Committee (MSCC).

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