Presentation Information (ESTS 2023)

Oral Presentations of Papers

Oral presentations of papers are limited to 20 MINUTES (including Questions & Answers). No exceptions will be made.

Only Power Point presentations (.ppt) and Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf) will be accepted, as the available software includes Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader. The presenter is responsible for knowing how to use the software for their file format.

Oral presentations must be uploaded to the laptop provided in the room prior to the beginning of your session. USB drives will be accepted. Due to the tight schedule, speakers are highly discouraged from using their own laptop. If you wish to do so, any delay in time will be at the expense of your time slot. If a talk is not uploaded in a timely manner, the Session Chair will have the option to eliminate it from presentation to ensure session continuity.

Contact your Session Chair in person prior to your session.

Limit the number of slides assuming that each slide takes about 90 seconds to properly present. In preparing the slides remember to use the appropriate font and graphics so they can be readable from the back of the presentation room. Avoid an excessive amount of text and use graphics wherever possible.

A computer, projector, laser pointer, slide advancer, and microphone will be available in each oral session room.

Keynote and Plenary Oral Presentations

The technical program contains information about the duration of each technical presentation.

Please bring your presentation on a thumb drive and upload it to the computer in the main conference room; conference organizing personnel will be available to assist.  If use of a thumb drive is not possible, please email your presentation to the Technical Program Chair: or the Technical Program Co-Chair:

Poster Presentations

maximum dimensions for each poster

recommended: 30″ x 40″
absolute: 46″ x 46″

layout recommendations

  • body text should be easily readable from 3′ away (approx. 24pt font)
  • include only the most important elements, with plenty of room around each element
  • use effective graphics in place of text as much as possible

Each poster has been assigned a number, and must be mounted on the appropriately numbered board. (You can check the number by referring to the printed or on-line program once it is posted.)

The poster presenter is expected to remain at the poster during the entire time allotted to the poster session.


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